Thursday, May 31, 2012

All I need to know about surgery I learned on GA

I know I said I was going to try and write a post while still suffering from the effects of sedation, but there were no effects. It was a bummer.

Dentists and doctors are not my favorite places; I always get a little nervous feeling in my self when I am in the waiting room. This usually results in a high blood pressure reading and then they tell me I should have that checked out and I think, “Well, if you weren’t so intense I would be fine, crazy lady.” I have the same physical reaction around law enforcement, airport security, toll booths, government offices, etc. I’m working on controlling it and remaining calm, but I think I am just constantly prepared for them to tell me I am doing something wrong. Anyway, wisdom teeth…

It was my first experience with laughing gas, which they gave before hooking me up to the IV drip. I knew it was working because I started going over all the medical information I have learned from 5 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy and applying it to the instruments surrounding me. Of course, this was a little ridiculous since I was in a dentist office and not the ER (or even a hospital), but dang it, I knew what was going on and I felt smart! Heart rate monitor, blood pressure things, lights, x-rays, etc. I was a pro. When the nurse came in to check on my status, I told her about my awesome Grey’s Anatomy expertise and that I was pretty convinced it was a sure sign the gas was doing its thing and I was ready to go. She laughed at me, I laughed at me, I couldn’t feel my fingers and toes, it was all good. Then the doctor came in, jabbed me with a needle and told me everything was going to be alright, and that was about all I remember.

I woke up ready to be all crazy and say silly things, but no. Talk about a sad thing (another sad thing is they didn’t even ask me if I wanted to keep my teeth). I walked out to the recovery chair, listened to the doctor talk to Steve, and then we left. No swelling, no pain, no delirium. Just cotton in my mouth and cotton taped to my arm. Bing, bang, boom. I celebrated my easy recovery by going camping at the beach three days later.

So that’s my story. It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, I ate a lot of mashed potatoes, watched a lot of movies, and didn’t write a thing. Can't really complain about that though. I do love mashed potatoes.

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