Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mud and Hobbits

One of the hardest parts about being a writer is trying to think of things to write about. A writer wants to have people enjoy the script they put out, find humor in it, or at least see a glimmer of something interesting. Then you find yourself caving under the constant pressure to write things that are worthwhile and the blog posts start to dwindle down to nothing. I should just get over that and write for the sake of writing. My husband told me I could write about anything, and that is true, but I want to write things that people will actually want to read. I’m going to start writing complete bosh and see if you people still like it. Ha! The ultimate test.

Thanks for letting me have that little pep talk. Now on to other things…

Sister-in-law Elisa and I participated in the 5K Charity Chase Mud Run recently. Ironic, since neither of us run as a normal activity, but we thought it would be a good bonding experience. Hopes were high when we arrived on a sunny Saturday morning and waited in line with the rest of our running buddies. Since it was also (for some reason) a costume contest, there was one guy next to us in Superman underoos and nothing else. Awkward. Our goal was to run fast enough to stay away from him. An excuse to be outside, take on some obstacle courses, get really messy, and roll around in mud was what we were most concerned with, though, and I am quite proud of our initial take-off from the start line. You would almost believe we knew what we were doing.
The catch phrase of the event was “Beyond the Mud,” which was fitting, since there was very little mud to be seen. Apparently if lots of mud was what you wanted, you needed to be in a previous race, perhaps titled “We Actually Have Mud.” Needless to say, it was slightly disappointing. We did manage to get covered from head to toe in the glistening red goop while crawling through a large mud pit, and that merited getting sprayed down with a high power fire truck hose. We also learned that we are fairly excellent at climbing over hay bales.
Through this experience I discovered that I actually enjoy running, and if I ever stop going to the gym I think I will take it up as my physical activity.

The first part of the Hobbit movie comes out this year, which is exciting to me. I have just finished re-reading the book in preparation. Of course, that means I now have to re-read the Lord of the Rings, because you can’t not read them after reading The Hobbit. The trilogy has now become my summer reading list, and I am very happy about it. My goal was to read them while doing summery things such as lying by the pool or sitting in the yard. That has yet to happen though, as it has been the Summer of Slammed Weekends 2012. However, on the near horizon is a beach day on Saturday and a trip to Colorado next week. Prime reading time on sand and plane seat. If you have never read LoTR, I strongly suggest you do.

That’s all for now. It is supposed to be 101° on Friday, so hide your wife, hide your kids, stay hydrated, and stay indoors. 
